Wednesday, July 18, 2012

MATH 'n' ME!

I woke up one morning and saw the morning rays,
They were so bright that on the bed I could no more lay...
I stood on my feet and said a silent prayer..
"Dear God", I said "let my day be full of fun..
...and please make all my friends come to school today!"

I reached school in an ironed uniform,
With a bag on my back and starry eyes..
I took my seat in the front...
Because Mohan, my friend, sits at the back and only cries.

The teacher came and gave a big, warm smile,
Dressed in a lovely red saree, 
And a book pile in hand. 
She wished us good morning and began a lesson in Math.

Year after year, I had the same mornings,
The same school and grew up along with the same friends,
 The teachers changed and so did their attire,
But Math, for me, remained the same.
I was still starry-eyed and the square boxes in my book left me terrified!

Today, I look back at those days of mine..
When I was so full of hope and had so much time,
I wished I had paid a little more attention and asked more questions, 
I wish I had been told how important it was,
To know algebra, trigonometry and all that jazz!

1 comment:

  1. its just you :-) simple for yourself yet a bit complicated for others.
